How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

With the arrival of autumn and cool weather, I often want to wear something warmer. But it is not necessary to wrap up in shapeless stretched sweaters and tunics – you can stand out from the gray crowd in any weather, you just need to have a warm sweater with a bright Norwegian pattern in your wardrobe. Multicolored and catchy ornaments that adorn sweaters and jackets give a great mood and charge positive not only the owner but also his surroundings. With the onset of cold weather, you should definitely think about purchasing warming clothes. And the best solution to this issue is to buy a warm and at the same time fashionable Norwegian sweater. On the shelves of shops and fashion boutiques, you can often find models of this warm clothing, but they are all almost of the same type, and there can be no confidence in the quality of the material from which the sweater is made. To avoid uncomfortable moments, you can independently knit the Norwegian model.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

Features Norwegian sweater

  • For knitting, Norwegian warm clothes use only natural merino yarn. That is why this jacket is always warm and cozy.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

  • The use of distinctive ornaments highlights the Norwegian sweater among other models of clothing. As a rule, patterns include winter (New Year) motifs or geometric shapes. These can be snowflakes, stars, deer, rhombuses, and teeth. The peculiarity is also the fact that the patterns are not arranged in single patterns, but immediately the whole composition.
  • The color range of sweaters is diverse but compatible. Usually in knitting use no more than 2-3 matched to each other by color threads. To make the picture clearly visible, choose contrasting shades of yarn: white and black (dark blue), black and red, red and white, etc.
  • By cut, the styles are not distinguished by their pretentiousness and diversity. Most often it is a straight model with a high collar and long straight sleeves. Sometimes it is possible to meet models of the fitted silhouette with a usual round neck. The length of the Norwegian sweater can vary from medium to long. Recently, Norwegian tunics and cropped dresses, which are worn with thick tights and tight pants, have become popular.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

Masterclass from experienced needlewomen

In order to link the proposed model size 46-48, you will need:

  • 850 grams of natural merino wool (600 – light beige, 100 each – white and dark pink and 50 – pale pink). Thread density: 50 g / 50 m.
  • Spokes – №8 and № 7 (straight and circular). Smaller knitting needles are used for knitting gum and cuffs on the sleeves.
  • Hook or thick needle for stapling parts.

The Norwegian patterns are knitted according to the following schemes, where each square corresponds to the shade of the thread.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

Since the proposed model is knitted in a circle, it is necessary to use mainly circular needles, starting from the bottom.

Front and back

  1. Type in the circular needles No. 7 140 loops and knit a rubber band 2 into 2 strips 7 cm wide.
  2. In the next row, transfer the work to the spokes No. 8 and even reduce the number of loops to 120.
  3. Enter the markers (colored clips) on 1, 49, 55, 61, 73 and 79 loops on both sides for further marking and knit stocking knit according to A1 scheme.
  4. After the height of the part is 36 cm, start knitting according to A2 pattern.
  5. After completing the A2 knitting, knit a row of loops, closing 7 loops on each side. The needles should remain 106 loops.
  6. Postpone work.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

Knitting sleeves

  1. Type 32 loops and knit a 7 cm wide cuff with an elastic band 2 x 2 (2 face – 2 purls).
  2. After the cuff, continue to knit according to pattern A1.
  3. After the length of the part will be 14 cm, make additions on both sides to expand the sleeve. Repeat the increase every 6 cm 4 times. At the end of the work should get 42 loops.
  4. After the sleeve length is 35 cm, continue to knit according to pattern A2.
  5. At the end of knitting scheme, close 7 loops (35 p. Will remain)
  6. Similarly, tie the second sleeve.

Yoke sweaters (top)

  1. Transfer all loops of parts to one circular needle No. 8. As a result, you should get 180 working loops.
  2. On all the loops knit under the scheme A3, making all the necessary cuts and alternation of colors.

Neck (collar)

After the common part is connected according to the scheme A3, transfer the remaining loops to the needles No. 7 and knit the collar with an elastic band 2 by 2 (the width of the neck should be 13 centimeters on average). If you wish, you can increase the length of the gate – then you can turn it up.

Joining Parts (Stitching)

Since the sweater with a pattern knitted on circular loops in a single canvas, additional seams will need to be done only under the sleeves. On the schematic pattern shows the approximate dimensions of the individual parts and the entire sweater. Focusing on your own parameters, you can increase (decrease) the size of the finished model.

Tunic with patterns

If you increase the length of the sweater and make a decrease in the waistline, then you can tie a cozy warm dress or tunic.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

What is the combination of a Norwegian Sweater?

Initially, such comfortable and comfortable clothing, like a Norwegian sweater, belonged to a home wardrobe, but over time, knitted products have become firmly established in everyday wardrobe. With the right combination of things, a knitted sweater with patterns can be put on for work, walks, gatherings with friends, home holidays. The warm sweater looks great with jeans, skirts, shirts.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

Well-chosen accessories will allow you to remain fashionable and modern, even in the winter cold. Scarves and shawls, gloves and mittens to match the patterns on the sweater will complete the image and emphasize your individuality.

Rules for the care of knitted products

So that a sweater made of natural wool does not disappoint you while wearing, you should consider some features for the care of woolen products:

  1. In mating, use only natural threads. Yarn with synthetic content will contribute to excessive sweating, which is completely undesirable in cold weather.
  2. When washing and drying, follow the recommendations indicated on the labels of the yarn from which the product is bound.
  3. Wash things with the addition of special detergents for delicate fabrics and air conditioners.
  4. Keep knitted sweaters folded in a closet. It is not recommended to hang the products on hangers to avoid stretching.

How To Knit A Norwegian Sweater?

A sweater with a Norwegian pattern, connected according to the proposed scheme, will allow you to always stay in the spotlight. And if you want to donate such clothes made with your own hands, family and friends, then care and warmth invested in the work will warm them in any cold.

By Madani